Best Online Advertising platform For Your Business

Best Online Advertising platform For Your Business

1. Facebook

Facebook is so ubiquitous that the company says one out of every five minutes spent on mobile is either there or on their sister site, Instagram.

There are about two billion people who log into Facebook every month. While the network is promoted as a way to keep up with family and friends, a large number of Facebook users follow and interact with brands on the site. With continually changing algorithms, it can be hard to get organic traffic on Facebook. This is where online ads or paid advertising can help.

Paying for placement on the platform allows you to get in front of more people, and to get in front of the specific ones that you want.

Paid ads come in a number of different forms. Promoted posts, for instance, look just like regular posts from your Facebook page, but are more likely to show up in a Display ads can also be inserted into the feed in the form of videos, slideshows, or photos. You can even advertise in the standalone Messenger app.

Facebook allows for an extremely high degree of market segmentation and targeting.

While this can be difficult to navigate if you do not have strong technical skills……this feature can allow you to save large amounts of money by avoiding useless clicks.

With all of the benefits of Facebook advertising, there are also some downsides.

Changes in organic visibility mean that more people are competing for paid ad space.

This can increase costs and can make it harder for your ads to stand out.

The company has also changed how they handle ads that directly invite engagement through phrases like “click here” or “join now.” While a call to action is recognized as a powerful tool, it can be one that hurts you if you advertise on Facebook.

As with any platform, you will need to experiment and track your success to see how you can use it to generate leads.  

SummaryPaying for placement on Facebook allows you to get in front of more people, and to get in front of the specific ones that you want.

2. Instagram

Instagram, owned by Facebook, gives you access to a massive audience. The app boasts 500 million users who open Instagram every day. While this is a far smaller user base than Facebook, it is also one with a high concentration of people from a desirable demographic.

The audience on this app trends toward the highly coveted Millennial and Gen Z age groups. Instagram is a highly visually appealing platform. If your products photograph well, it can be an ideal and eye-catching place to get interaction through content marketing.

The platform allows you to add your business address and phone number to all posts, meaning that it is easier for prospects to reach you.

There are critics who say that the information that they can get from Instagram about who is clicking their ads and how those customers behave is sparse.

If you are looking for more detailed reports, the ones that Instagram provides may leave you wanting more.

You can also only access Instagram’s full features in their mobile app.

This can be a disadvantage if you prefer to manage your business from a desktop environment. However, if you are highly mobile-literate, using this site will feel intuitive.

Since most smartphones now feature high-quality cameras and even editing equipment……you can even create a full, professional ad campaign directly from your phone.

3. YouTube

YouTube is a very effective advertising platform. The platform has approximately 210 million viewers in 2022. That’s a lot of reach for your business!

YouTube ads are done through Google ads. The first step in running ads on YouTube is creating a Google Ads account and joining the YouTube Partner Program.

Next, you need to link your YouTube channel to the Ads account, and then you’re ready to create your campaign.

You will then need to choose the best campaign objective for your goals.

These are your options: Sales, leads, website traffic, brand awareness or reach, and product or brand consideration.

For a more in-depth tutorial on how to advertise on YouTube and some best practices, we suggest you can check out our YouTube ads post.

4. TikTok

TikTok is a short-form video-sharing platform that allows you to create and post content up to three minutes in length. Tiktok is a newer platform than the rest, launching in 2016.

It has become extremely popular in the last few years, now having over 1 billion monthly active users.

This makes it a great platform to advertise your business on.

TikTok has one of the highest engagement rates out of all social media platforms. This gives great potential for effective video marketing.

The platform is also fairly easy to learn. Since TikTok revolves around user-generated content and trends, it is easy for businesses to incorporate these trends into their advertisements.

The first thing you will need to do is set up your TikTok Ad Account.

It is a simple setup process. Just head over to the TikTok for Business web page and follow the steps to create your account.

Once you have your business account set up and your payment methods entered, it is time to create your ads.

There are several campaign objectives that you can choose from. The options are:

• reach,

• traffic,

• app installs,

• video views,

• catalog sales,

• lead generation, and

• conversions.

Make sure to choose the best one for your business.

We talk more about the specific steps you have to take in our complete TikTok ads for beginners guide.

The key to TikTok advertising is having fun and creating creative content for your viewers to enjoy!

SummaryTikTok has one of the highest engagement rates out of all social media platforms, thus making it a great platform to advertise on.

5. Twitter

This social media platform has been around since 2006. However, it’s still a key platform for individuals, influencers, and brands.

There are around 500 million Tweets every day.

While this indicates a highly active platform, it can also make it hard for brands’ individual Tweets to get seen.

Using Twitter ads can put you in front of a large number of prospects who you may otherwise not have reached.

Two-thirds of Twitter users say they’ve discovered a small or medium business there.

Around 94% say that they plan to purchase items from the brands that they follow. Twitter ads come in a number of forms. The simplest is the Promoted Tweet.

These are just like your brand’s normal tweets with one big difference: they can be seen even by people who do not yet follow your brand.

Like regular tweets, they can be retweeted, liked, and replied to. These offer a great chance to start a conversation with potential buyers.

Promoted accounts put your entire account in front of potential users to gain new followers.

Twitter users are very open to this sort of advertising. 85% say that Promoted Accounts help them find new products and services.

Promoted Trends put the trending topics you want in users’ trending feed on the left side of the home screen. This can help increase engagement.

The free communication that makes Twitter such a vibrant platform can also be a downside, however.

Some brands have discovered that conversations that started with Promoted Tweets or Trends did not go in the direction that they had planned.

When starting a promotion, be sure that your reputation management team is on deck to put out any fires if something goes wrong.

Keep topics non-controversial and agreeable to capture positive buzz without making negative trends.


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