


A. Improve sleep.

Yoga has been shown to be helpful for sleep in studies of older adults, people with arthritis, pregnant women, and other groups.

B. Ease stress and anxiety levels.

Yoga involves breathing exercises that force you to pay attention to your breath. Deep breathing can help you relax almost instantly, which can help relieve stress and anxiety.

C. Reduce low back pain. 

Practicing yoga for several months may ease chronic low back pain, help you function better, and enrich your quality of life.

D. Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility.

Slow movements and deep breathing increase blood flow and warm up muscles, while holding a pose can build strength.

Must do this pose: Tree Pose

Balance on one foot, while holding the other foot to your calf or above the knee (but never on the knee) at a right angle. Try to focus on one spot in front of you, while you balance for one minute. 

E.Increases blood flow

The relaxation exercises in yoga regulates blood to all parts of your body. Exercises such as handstand, helps venous blood from the lower part of the body to flow back to your heart, where it can be pumped back to the lungs to be oxygenated.


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