5 Benefits of peanut butter for Healthy life style

5 Benefits of peanut butter
1. Helps you sleep
 sleep yes it does, with the help of an amino acid called tryptophan. tryptophan helps release serotonin, which has a calming effect on the brain. carbohydrates make this amino acid more available to the brain as they release insulin. 

2.Helps in weight management 

A study published in The American journal of Clinical Nutrition says that nut consumption in women does not have an association with weight gain or obesity. Instead, women who consume nuts have a lower risk of weight gain. Nuts may also help in weight management.

3.Helps Build Muscle

There cannot be muscles without proteins, proteins are the building blocks of Muscles. Given that muscles get built and repaired as we sleep, eating peanut butter before bed will provide, the much-needed protein for the body to about its muscles-building.

4.Give you energy

The work of cell reparation, digestion, and other functions do not stop just because you are asleep. Eating peanut butter before you sleep with give your body the energy boost it needs to complete its functions through the night.

5. Improves Digestion

poor digestion can mess up your whole  diet and your sleep-these are two things you want to remain efficient if you wish to lose weight. peanut butter has fiber which aidsin digestion, keeps the gut healthy, and prevents constipation. Eating it before bed ensures a good night's sleep with very little interruptions.


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