3.Helpful Tips to Detox From Sugar



The not-so-sweet truth is that high sugar intake is one of the leading causes of chronic disease in this country.Just like drug addiction, sugar can make some people addicted to food and quit. Addictive substances cause neurochemical changes in the brain such as: B. Altered dopamine and opioid receptor binding that increases addictive behavior. Similarly, sugar has been shown to stimulate the brain's reward center via the neurotransmitter dopamine. Excessive consumption of processed sugars is linked to heart disease, cancer, dementia, obesity, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, depression and even acne, infertility and impotence. If you want to reset your body and detox from the harmful effects of sugar, follow these guidelines.

1. Remove all processed foods from your home.

 To avoid spending hours reading food labels, choose foods that are packaged, canned, frozen (with some exceptions such as frozen organic berries), or cooked. Get it all out of your kitchen.Many of the common forms of sugar have different names. Sorting through food labels can take forever, so make sure you only eat fresh, whole foods. Ideally, you should avoid foods that come in boxes, wrappers, cans, or labels and stick to real, fresh food for 10 days. abstain from grains.

2. Stick to water

Liquid sugar in any form is worse than solid food containing sugar. Imagine that sugar goes directly to the liver, turning off the liver's fat storage mechanism, leading to the production of abdominal fat.Sweet drinks like soda and sports drinks don't saturate the body. The energy provided by is only sufficient for a short time. Avoid fruit juices, sodas, sports drinks, sweetened teas and coffee during the detox. Drink plenty of water instead, as thirst can often lead to cravings. Proper functioning of the liver requires water and glucose to produce glycogen. When the body is dehydrated, glycogen production becomes much more difficult, creating sugar cravings. Lack of sleep affects appetite hormones and triggers cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. Not getting enough sleep affects your energy levels throughout the day. To compensate for the energy deficit, people tend to consume high-sugar drinks with artificial sugar and excess caffeine. Getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night is the best way to combat the urge to overeat and give your body extra sugar.

3. Start the day with a high-protein diet

To counteract these cravings, it's important to provide your body with enough protein and high-quality fats. Provides nutrients. Enjoy whole farm eggs with avocado and berries tomorrow morning instead of donuts or pastries. Without health conscious food, if you don't get into an emergency when you do. especially while traveling. You want to avoid airport food courts, so resist the temptation. Always stocking up on snacks that include nuts, plant seeds, or fruits like bananas can give you a quick boost to your health.

A sugar detox is a great way to reboot your body and improve your overall health. It can be tough at first, but when the addiction is gone, it's worth it. Consult a medical doctor.To health and happiness.


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